Wasiyat Nama : How to write a Will for your (Auwlaad) Children : Will

Bismllahirrahmanirrahim : Will – Wasiyat Nama : Dear Readers! It is an Islamic Will (Islami Wasiyat Nama) format, Insha Allah, It will be a core beneficial format of Will (Wasiyat Nama) for those who want to write it for their children & it’s my request to you all gentlemen, to take note of it (Will – Wasiyat Nama) , for your beloved ones/children or to who so ever concern, prior to Rest in Peace (RIP) to strengthen the Islamic teachings. I welcome your valuable advice & corrections; sound good and fit to add to this Will (Wasiyat Nama) format to rectify any mistakes and make Will (Wasiyta Nama) more accurate. Also, please don’t forget to LIKE & SHARE this Will (Wasiyat Nama) to spread the benefit to all others as well. (Will Wasiyat Nama).

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So let’s go ahead, and start.

How to write a Will (Wasiyat Nama) for your children

بِسمِ اللہ ِالرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحِیم

اَلحَمدُ للہِ رَبِّ العٰلَمِینَ وَالصَّلَاۃُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلٰی رَسُولِہِ الاَمِینِ وَالعَاقِبَۃُ لِلمُتَّقِینَ، اَمَّا بَعدُ

أعوذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم، بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

 قُل ھُوَاللہُ اَحَد، اَللہُ الصَّمَد، لَم یَلِد وَ لَم یُولَد، وَلَم یَکُن لّہُ کُفوًا اَحَد۔

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful

Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen, Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Rasulihill Ameen, Wal Aaqibatu Lil Muttaqeen, Amma Ba’ad!

Auzu Billahi Minash-Sheetanir-Rajeem Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem

Qul Huwallahu Ahad, Allahusamad Lum-Yalid and Lum-Eulad, and Lum-Y-Kullahu Kufun Ahad.

All praises to Allah Ta’ala, the lord of the universe, the creator, and the only Master & the bestower of sustenance of the universe, who created the skies & the earth, the heaven & the hell, the lord of the hereinafter (the day of judgment), & May be peace (Durood) upon his all messengers, especially on to the last prophet Muhamad, Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi WaSallam & on his family & companions, on to Umm Al-Muminaat (the mothers of the believers), the very pure & virtuous wives of prophet & May Allah Ta’alaa bestow on all of us his blessings, mercy. Aamin!   


At first, I accept & witness that “There is no true Ma’abud (to whom to be worshiped) except Allah Ta’ala and, I witness that Muhammad Rasoolullah (ﷺ) is his Bandey (Servant) & his Rasool (The messenger).”

I would like to make you aware that the foundation of Islam is based on five things;

  1. To acknowledge & witness that there is no true Ma’abud (to whom to be worshiped) except Allah Ta’ala and to witness that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is slave of Allah and is his Rasool (the messenger).
  2. To offer Namaz (prayers).
  3. To pay Zakat (Charity).
  4. To keep obligatory fasts in the month of Ramadan.
  5. To perform Hajj of Bait-Allah Al-Haram (the Ka’ba) being wealthy enough to bear the expenses.  

Now I the undersigned____( testator’s name)______, in complete consciousness from my willingness, I testify this will to all my children that; 

  1. Pious, virtuous & Nobel children of their parents become Sadqa-e-Jariya (a continual rewarded charity) after the parents death; therefore, I testify to my children to follow & perform all the above mentioned five pillars of Islam with sincere intention, Taqwah(Piousness)  & Ikhlas (Purity), in order to keep me blessed with these good deeds; I am in need of you more in the grave (Qabr), instead of this world. 
  2. I testify you all to save yourself & keep away from Haram (forbidden) earnings & Haram (forbidden) doings, and to do Halal (permitted) earning & Halal (permitted) doings; because, The prophet  (ﷺ) had decreed that The Namaz (prayers) are not accepted for 40 days for those who takes a single Haram (forbidden) bite.
  3. I testify you all, to always learn, teach & follow the Islamic Sharia’h, because Prophet Rasoolullah Sallalahu Alaihi WaSallam had mentioned in his decree that it is obligatory to every single Muslim to learn & teach the Islamic Sharia’h.
  4.  I testify that I will abide myself to these always until I die as per the decree given by Allah & his Messenger (ﷺ);    

1. Firm faith & belief in Allah,

2. Faith on his Angels,

3. Faith on his Messengers,

4. Faith in his revealed books,

5. Faith on good and bad destiny,

6. Faith in the Barzakh, the life in the grave (Qabr),

7. Faith in life after death,

8. Faith on the Akhirat (the hereinafter),

9. Faith on Hisab-Kitab (counting of deeds, done in this worldly life),

10. Belief on Meezan (weighing of Nama-e-Aamal),

11. Belief on Judgment (Punishment & Reward),

12. Belief on Pul-e-Sirat (Siraat Bridge)  &

13. Keeping faith on the Heaven & Hell, and must have be firm faith on these in any circumstances, let it be good or bad situation in life, because it is advised by the Prophet (ﷺ) that the one will deserve the Jannat (Heaven) died on faith/belief.    

  1. I testify you all to hold the rope of Allah Ta’ala strongly and keep away yourself from any kind of Bid’at (let it be Bid’at Sayyi’ah or Bid’at Hasanah) and all kinds of Shirk (let it be external or internal), as it is said by Prophet (ﷺ) that every Bid’at is Gumrahi (astray) and each Gumrahi will lead you to Jahannum (hell) and the biggest sin is Shirk (to make someone / something shared with Allah), as it is mentioned by the Prophet (ﷺ) that Allah will never forgive to whose death has happened on Shirk (to share someone / something with Allah) & he/she will deserve the Jahannum (hell).
  2. I testify you all to offer Namaz (prayers), Five times obligatory Namaz (prayers) must be performed by male children in Jama’at (congregation)  inside the mosque, or at home in case of emergency, trouble, no way left to proceed to mosque,  then; all the male, female & children can perform the Namaz (prayers) at home in congregation. Therefore, maintain to perform Namaz in any situation, & maintain to pray the Sunnah & Nawafil at your homes. Ladies are also recommended to offer five times obligatory prayer (Farz Namaz), Sunnah wa Nawafil at home and command their kids to it. 
  3. I testify you all to keep Farz & Nifli fasts frequently, because Allah Ta’ala had offered unlimited rewards to it. Therefore, it is to urge you to maintain the Farz & Nifli fasts as much as possible.
  4. I ask you to pay Sadaqah (Charity) in any situation either in richness or in poverty, because Allah Ta’ala saves & protects the one, from the fire of Jahannum (hell) who gives Sadaqah (charity), as it is said by Prophet (ﷺ) that, “Protect yourself from the fire of Jahannum, even by giving a piece of date”.
  5. I testify you all, if you are bestowed as much wealth from Allah to bear the travel to Bait-Allah, to perform the Hajj & Umrah once in your life, because it is Firz (a duty) on every Muslim who is bestowed with wealth & richness. This wealth will become a bald snake and Tauq (heavy weight on neck/throat) on the day of Qayamat (resurrection day) who does not perform Hajj despite being wealthy enough.
  6.  I testify you to keep reciting the Book of Allah Ta’ala, The Holy Quran Kareem frequently at your homes, your shops, inside the mosques, and wherever you find a convenient place. Allah keeps you safe & protect you from poverty & diseases and awards you with many righteousness, as it has been mentioned by the Prophet  (ﷺ) that Allah honors, one righteousness in exchange of reciting one Harf (a letter) which is rewarded ten times of it.
  7. I would like all my children to live with each other in good character, love & affection so as to not get angry, not to stop speaking with another, never create any coincidence and treat each other with Husn-o-Sulook (Good behavior & attitudes).
  8. I urge you to treat with Husn-o-Sulook (good behavior & attitude) to your neighbors, neighborhoods, and locales, keep on doing favors with each others, maintain good relations & keep away from breaking the relations. If for any reason, a fight, quarrel becomes a jolt, then do not stop your contact & rapport for more than three days with each other, do the salutations within three days & in every case, keep on practicing patience.
  9.  I urge you to keep on doing Amr Bil Maroof aur Nahi Anil Munkarmeans to keep commanding the people righteous and stopping them from evil, because those who do not do so, Allah punish them with Azab (punishment).
  10.  I ask you all to avoid any kind of evil and also advise you to pay the labors, their wages before their sweat dries up and do not take their rights at all. Always talk of rights and justice. Never tell lie and be away from deceit. Never do mischief and backbiting. Never make decisions without scrutiny. Keep helping the poor, the helpless, widows and the destitute. Neither persecute yourself nor let it be on you, and do not persecute others or not let anyone persecuted. Never do Zulm (torture) on your wife and children. In any case, keep protecting them. Remember to provide your wife & children the religious education.
  11. I want you to keep yourself always neat & clean internal, external physically & spiritually, because Allah is neat (Pak) from any kind of Aib (fault) & he likes the cleanliness / neatness. 
  12.  I advise you to do not take unrightfully, the land & property of any, let be brother, sister, father-mother. Make the property decisions before your death as per the divine law.  Write a Will (Wasiyat) if you cannot make decision & divide your property before death, so as to escape from quarrels, conflicts & fights after your death.
  13.  Keep me & your mother in your prayers to Allah Ta’ala for Dua-e-Maghfirat (call for forgiveness) in my life, after my death, pray Allah the protection from the Azab (punishment) of Qabr (grave), the day of resurrection and Jahannum (Hell) and ask Allah Ta’ala to grant Jannat to me & your mother. May Almighty Allah forgive our sins because of your prayers and save us from his punishments and award us a place in Jannat-Al-Firdous
  14.  Do all the prayers mentioned in Column No.17 for yourself, your wife & children including your parents.
  15.  My final wish from you is that you will do arrange my Namaz-e-Janaza according to the Sunnat, make my grave according to the Sunnat and dispose me in the earth according to Sunnat

Its my pray to Allah Ta’ala to give us strength to execute all these things with Taqwah (piousness) & Ikhlas (Purity), Aamin!

I expect you all will read my above Will carefully and will follow the same.

The Testator

Shahabuddin S/o Ziauddin

House No., Name of Locality, name of City and District, State & Country.

Author: Shahabuddin Bin Ziyauddin (Hafizahullah)

English Translator: Azharuddin Riyazi (Hafizahullah)

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Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu! 

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